We use the morfeoShow gallery component in our CMS websites. This is a brief guide on using it...
Starting a New Gallery
- Log into the Adminstration backend
- Navigate to Components / MorfeoShow / Galleries
- Click on New
- Enter in a Title for your Gallery. You don't need to type anything more in, unless you want too.
- Select a Gallery Format from the dropdown box
. This sets the style of the Gallery that your visitors will see. For a moving slide show, use Flash Slideshow. For a page by page browsing, use Flash Simpleviewer.
- Click Save when you are done
Note: The other Settings on the right have been setup for you. We would not advise you change these settings unless you really know what you are doing.
Your New Gallery will be shown on your Gallery page of your website.
However, if you would like to embed the gallery into another page, type the Plugin ID "{morfeo X}" into your page during page editing. (Replace X with your gallery ID as shown in the Manage Galleries page).
Now you are ready to upload the photos...
Uploading images to your gallery...
- Log into the Adminstration backend
- Navigate to Components / MorfeoShow / Galleries
- Click on Upload
- Browse for you image to upload. Note: reduce your photos first to a maximum of 800x600 (or less). See the FAQ on PowerTools for a neato image resizer.
- Fill in the Title, and Description if you like (but its not neccesarry).
- Click on the Save Image button.
Managing the images to your gallery...
- Log into the Adminstration backend
- Navigate to Components / MorfeoShow / Galleries
- Click on Images
along the Gallery you would like to manage.
- You should now see your images. Edit or delete your image as needed.
If you are having difficulties, consider using our experinced staff to upload the photos for you.
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